Dead space extraction
Dead space extraction

dead space extraction

If you never played the game before and you jump into it right in the middle you would instinctively press B to shoot right? Well good that’s how you do it, and what if your friend yells at you to pick up items, Well A is next isn’t it? The B button fires and A uses Telekinesis the two main features in the game to survive. The controls on a Wii remote and nun chuck combo are very precise and easy to get the hang of. The developers really hit the nail on the head with these. Stasis is to slow down your enemies and Kinesis to grab ammo and other items. Kinesis and Stasis are two separate buttons on your remote and act the same as they did in the original Dead Space. Although it is a fun little tool, it’s mostly added in the game to give you a break from some action because there will be no battles taking place in the Zero G rooms anymore. Zero G is back and is pretty simple as well, they simple allow you to look around with your camera for a few seconds to grab some ammo and then you have to point with your marker at various landing spots around the room and press A to launch yourself around a room. Only one small problem your marker is too large and makes shooting off limbs pretty difficult. It works perfectly for rails, no longer do you just shoot one target once and move on to the next, now you have to focus on limbs and appendages to shoot off while being attacked by massive amounts of enemies. Lets start off with strategic dismemberment.

dead space extraction

Keeping the same point and shoot style they added the centralized Dogma of Dead Space, which is: Zero G, Strategic Dismemberment, kinesis, and Stasis. So did visceral fail? No, in fact they re-invented the on-rails genre. There isn’t much I can say here, it’s all on rails and you just point and shoot. But it just isn’t Dead space without a cliff hanger ending. But I will tell you, the passing in Extraction is a lot better then Dead Space, In Extraction the story builds and builds and finally you reach the climax in the last three chapters and the ending is so frantic and exciting your heart races just so this all can end. Now I don’t want to ruin the entire story you’ll just have to visit the forums to hear more. Safely aboard an executive shuttle you proceed to the Planet cracker. The four of you should realize the only safe place is the USG Ishimura orbiting Aegis 7. In the security building you meat up with Lexine Murdoch and while the three of you try to escape you run into Warren Eckhardt. This is were you meat your first necromorph, who surprises you by jumping out of a vent in front of a door. You meat up with an old mate, Gabe Weller, While you to investigate the strange killings you become under attack by colonist and seek safety in a security building. Nate and slowly you begin to face not just crazy colonist but necromorphs as well. You pick up again as Nate McNeil a security officer on the colony. Since the marker was extracted you and your team begin to hallucinate and you play though as you slowly go mad and kill your entire team. You start off as Sam Coldwell, an unimportant engineer who helped extract the marker.

dead space extraction

The story is delivered this time through your characters speaking to one another and it works wonderfully. In my review I will grade the game on Six topics: Story, Game play, Controls, Visuals, Sound and Extras.ĭead Space Extraction starts off weeks before the original Dead Space and virtually ends on the first minute of it. The Horror genre in gaming and pretty much all media has mostly been centered on the story. In fact when they call it a first person guided tour they are absolutely right! As much as I want to laugh at Visceral for trying to “spice up” the On-Rails genre, I simply can’t. Oh I’m sorry, its not on rails, its considered a First person guided experience.

#Dead space extraction ps3#

Last year Visceral Games released Dead Space: Extraction for the Wii, A first person on-rails horror game, set as a prequel to the 2008 hit horror game Dead Space, for the Pc, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Dead space extraction